H E R B A L // G L O S S A R Y: Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

Fennel is our well known beautifully aromatic and pungent herb most commonly known for its ability to calm most digestive upsets such as bloating and indigestion.

It also has had a long history of use in supporting milk supply of breastfeeding mothers, due to specific substances such as anethole which is responsible for the galactogenic effects of the plant (stimulates blood levels of prolactin which signals the body to increase milk supply).

The seeds are the part used for medicinal purposes (as well as culinary), and both Fennel and fennel seeds provide important nutrients, such as vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and manganese.

Fennels main active constituent’s flavonoids, coumarins, tannins, volatile oils (anethole, estragole, fenchone).

It has some beautiful actions on the body as well being a carminative for the digestive system and a galactagogue, its also a powerful anti-bacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, appetite stimulant, diuretic, warming expectorant, hormone balancing and spasmolytic.

Its a lovely addition to any lactation support tea (watch this space!) while adding a sweet subtle aniseed flavour.

Actions:  Antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, appetite stimulant, aromatic digestive, carminative, diuretic, warming expectorant, galactagogue, oestrogen modulator, spasmolytic.


GI:  poor appetite, bloating, colic, constipation, digestive insufficiency, digestive spasms, dyspepsia, flatulence, GI infections, hiccoughs, infantile colic, IBS, nausea.

Immune: Bacterial infections, fungal infections

Reproductive: amenorrhoea, spasmodic dysmenorrhoea, insufficient lactation

Pregnancy / Breastfeeding safe:  Safe in breastfeeding only. Avoid in allergy to Apiaceae family.

Enjoy in blends:



Phytomedicine Compendium, K. Gilmore and J, Grant, Pg 71, Fennel monograph, 2023.
