A note to each and every one of you this Mother's Day

For some, Mother’s Day is a difficult time for so many reasons, so we want you to know:

To all the mums who are doing it alone,

to those on a long journey to becoming a mum,

to those mums who have experienced loss,

to those spending Mother’s Day in NICU,

to those who have lost their mum,

to those who never knew their mum,

to those with difficult relationship with their mum,

to all the pregnant mummas,

to the mummas having trouble conceiving a second child,

to all the mummas in the depths of post-partum,

to the mummas that have to hold it all together,

and all the other mums out there,

We are thinking of each and every one of you, and are holding you in our hearts.

Sending you so much love from Little Wildling Co


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